RFP 09222017-01 for Mental Health Services

Comprehensive Mental Health Services for the Jail. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING BY EMAIL TOdickensm@wtrj.org. No questions will be fielded or answered over the phone.

Issued By: Marissa Dickens
Issue Date: 09/25/2017
Closing Date: 10/13/2017
Email: dickensm@wtrj.org
Phone: (757) 942-0555
Workman’s Comp Required: No

Questions and Answers

The Q&A section is the sole source for questions and answers pertaining to a specific bid. All questions pertaining to the bid must be emailed to dickensm@wtrj.org or by submitting the form located in the sidebar on the right side of the page. No questions will be answered or acknowledged by phone. Responses will be publicly posted in the Q&A section found below.

Awarded: This RFP will not be awarded

1. Currently medical is self operated by the Regional Jail.

Mental Health service are contract with the Western Tidewater Community Service Board.

2. Currently Medical is staffed with 2 RNs, 13 LPNs. 5 Certified medical techs, 1 medical administrative assitant. Medical Doctor is contracted and works approximately 16 hours a week. His hours vary depending on the needs of the facility.

Current staffing rates for mental health staff are as follows:

Psychiatrist -16 hours a week

Psychiatric LPN - 24 hours a week, the majority of those hours are with the psychiatrist.

Clinical Social workers 60 to 80 hours a week. These persons are currently not licensed.

The position and current number of hours are not requirements in this RFP. We would look for the respondent to provide staff and houurs based on their expertise.

3. Commission is not applicable in this case. We would like general hourly rates of staff you are proposing but these can be negotiated.

4. there is also a pre-proposal conference registration form, but there are no dates listed in the Schedule of Events. Could that be clarified as well? Yes we were considering one at one point but have removed it from the RFP as of 11:08am on 9/28/2017

  1. Can you tell us why the mental health clinicians are not licensed?

The current agreement which has been in place for many years did not require licensing.

  1. Are they Masters Level?

Yes, both are Master Level.

  1. Are you interested in keeping them under the next contract?

It does not matter either way. We would look to the responding entity to tell us what is most beneficial to them

  1. Are you ACA, NCCHC or otherwise accredited?

We are currently not ACA or NCCHC. We are looking to pursue NCCHC in the near future.

  1. Could you tell us the number of admissions you have per month?

Between 450 and 500 a month.

  1. Could you tell us the number of people currently on psych medications?

Currently 140 inmates are on Psych medications.

  1. What is the on-call process for mental health and psychiatric emergencies or consultation?

Currently, a mental health practitioner is contacted and advised of the situation. Jail staff proceed as directed. The psychiatrist is currently contacted during set hours of the day each day and advised of new inmates who entered the facility who are on psyc. medications. He will advise to continue or stop the medications and sees the inmates on his next scheduled day at the facility. Currently the Psychiatrist is on site Tuesday and Friday for 8 hours.

  1. How do you manage "at-risk" or inmates who need to be observed?

Inmates are placed on Suicide watch, close watch or a medical watch depending on how they are at risk.

  1. Do you have a process for handling inmates who require psychiatric hospitalization, could you describe?

Emergency Service from the Community Services Board is called and they do a prescreening and they along with jail staff submit the appropriate paperwork to the Magistrate who makes the final decision on the issuance of a Temporary Detention Order. If issued the inmate is then transported to a Mental Health Facility.

  1. Do you utilize psychiatric nurse practitioners?

No, not at this time.

  1. Do you screen inmates prior to being placed in specialized housing or segretation?


12. Do you diagnose SMI?

We have individuals we consider to have SMI, but I am not sure we are diagnosing it.

Please be advised that the intention of the Request for Proposals is for the responding entity to provide the Regional Jail with options and best practices for providing the requested services based on the responding entities expertise.

  1. What is the population breakdown census by men, women, and juveniles?

Females – 68                              Males -624   Juveniles – 0

  1. What is the capacity for each and the actual census?

Females -100             Males- 780          Juveniles – 10

  1. What percentage of each of those populations are on receiving mental health services and/or meds?

On mental health medications                   Females – 15%     males 22%

  1. What is the square footage of the space provided that will be available for service delivery?

We have several Offices and classrooms. Offices are approximately 10 x 10 and classrooms vary in size from a small classroom of 14 x 14 to two large classrooms 20 x 20.

  1. Is there a possible a diagram of this space?

We cannot provide a diagram for security reasons.

  1. What are the average lengths of sentences?

Length of sentences vary drastically. Currently we have inmates serving as little as 3 days sentences and we have inmates who have been in the facility 4 years and have not yet been to trial.

  1. Will the selected vendor need to cover operational costs related to the space including utilities and FF&E.


  1. Does the RFP proposal intentionally focused on MH solely and not Substance Use Disorders or Co-occurring disorders?

You are free to address both in your proposal, please provide separate cost for each

  1. If the focus is only MH, is there another agency providing SUD therapies services within the WTRJ?

Currently all services MH and Substance Use Disorders are being provided by the Western Tidewater Community Services Board.

  1. Are clinicians assigned a caseload and do they follow them regularly?


  1. Are you performing segregation rounds and segregation assessment

YES, once a week

  1. How many segregation units do you have?

1 Male and 1 female

  1. How many inmates in segregation?


  1. Are you doing any re-entry or release planning?

We do very limited re-entry and release planning.

  1. Do the clinicians see inmates 3 days after they are released from watch?


  1. How many suicides have you had in the last 3 years?


  1. What percentage of the population requires detox upon admission?


  1. Do you presently have any consent decrees other mandates through the courts in place?


  1. Do you have wireless technology in the housing areas?


  1. Does mental health train staff in suicide prevention and identifying MMI?


  1. Are clinicians performing any groups?

Not at this time

  1. Do you wish for the vendor to include the nurse in the matrix ?

We would like to see this as an option.

  1. Do clinicians provide any evening coverage?

Not at this time

  1. Do you want clinicians to provide evening coverage?

You can quote this as at an option

  1. Do you have any affiliations with Residency or Internship Programs and would you open to this?

We currently do not, but would be open to it.

  1. Are there current policies available the dictate/guide the mental health program?

Yes, but they are limited and we would like to update them.

  1. Could you explain your process for new admissions? Do mental health clinicians see every new admission or do they only see those with a positive history or referred by nursing?

Currently only see those referred by security or medical staff.

Requirements: You must send Six (6) hardbound copies of each response to include one (1) original as stamped and five (5) other copies. In addition, an electronic copy of the full proposal and a redacted copy of the proposal shall be submitted at such time. Preferably on a flash drive. The redacted copy will be posted on our website and will contain no proprietary or confidential information.

The Q&A section is the sole source for questions and answers pertaining to a specific bid. All questions pertaining to the bid must be emailed to dickensm@wtrj.org or by submitting this form. Responses will be publicly posted in the Q&A section found at the bottom of each bid's page.Please review this question and answers area to be sure your question has not already answered.

All Proposals must download and sign and include in their proposals any forms on the Procurement Forms page below procurement also found on the Procurements Forms Page


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